Seattle Take 2

29 Oct

In front of The Pink Door Restaurant

Looking down on the cafe from the hotel, so quaint


Breakfast, crab benedict



I hope you are all having a lovely weekend!



Birthday Trip Part 1

16 Oct

Hey Everyone–I hope this post finds you all doing well.  To say I’m in LOVE with Seattle would be a gross understatement.  I’ve lived in Houston, Texas my entire life.  My husband, on the other hand, has lived here for about 10 years.  Prior to living here he spent his life in the Great, Beautiful Northwest.  He would love to get back there one day & I would not put up a fight.  The people are NOT as nice as they are in the South, but I’m not as nice as the people are in the South either so I think it would work out.  I understand that vacation is very different from living in any place.  I also understand that the weather while we were there was FAR from typical (NO rain the entire time), but somehow the way of life just seemed calmer.  It really could’ve been my state of mind so I will stop babbling & share some photos.

100% Cashmere Coat with fur collar (thrifted)

The famous Public Market sign


Our first night there we changed clothes & cleaned up before heading out.  We had sushi & drinks at an amazing restaurant.

Bubbly & Beer


Red pants (UO), grey tank (JCrew), navy blazer (DKNY, thrifted), leopard scarf (Old Navy)

As you can see from the pictures so far comfort was key in all my outfits.  We stayed downtown & did not rent a car, we walked or took the bus everywhere.  I will leave you with the picture below of my husband.  Why?  Because my next post will be on men’s fashion.

Army green pants (Target), Gingham shirt (Gap) & black sweater (Harold Powell)


Have a great day!


Thanks, Courtney

8 Oct

Snake Clutch

After plenty of encouragement from my sister I decided that I would do what I know I should’ve been doing all along.  If I want to inspire anyone to be the best version of themselves I need to stop being shy (LOL!) and start soliciting my husband to take some outfit shots of me.  I mean they aren’t perfect, but at least you will get a visual.  In my last post I talked about how my sisters find it hard to “shop” in their own closets.  The outfit I have on above is a great example of how I’ve done that.  I was just running to the store, but I still wanted to look pulled together.  I will never outgrow the desire to put on a girly, twirly skirt & so I started with that piece.  Very girly mixed with a little edgy is very right now.

Outfit Details:

Skirt: Forever 21 (probably a little over a year ago)

Tank: Target (simple black lined in velvet, purchased a year ago)

Jacket: Goodwill (this is an army green jacket–very light weight, a recent thrift find)

Shoes:  Target (wedges, purchased a year ago, but I think they still have them)

Clutch:  Pier 1 (who knew they had clutches, purchased this week for $7)

Necklaces:  Old, but I used to like wearing them long–now I like them more like chokers

Close up


Nadri bracelet (Nordstrom), Michael Kors Watch, Brown Bracelet (made from an old necklace) & JCrew bracelet

Courtney, you aren’t a woman of many words, but when you speak I listen.  Thank you for being one of my biggest supporters.  I love you!


Have a great weekend everyone!


Shopping Tips

6 Oct

Hi there!  Today I thought I’d share some of my shopping tips with all of you.  As most of you know I really love to do my shopping at thrift stores.  I get a rush from perusing the racks & racks of clothing.  I don’t do all my shopping at thrift stores though.  Some of my favorite places are Jcrew, Loft, Off 5th, Nordstrom Rack, Banana Republic, Gap, Old Navy & Forever 21.

I want you to know I NEVER pay full price, EVER.  I just don’t do it.  Why?  Because I know I don’t have to (and you don’t either).  Without further ado, my shopping pointers.

FIRST, create  a “spam” e-mail account, one you only give to retailers.  Sign up to receive their e-mails.  You will find out about all their sales & even receive coupons.  Sometimes the sales are only online & if you aren’t receiving their e-mails you may never know about it.  This is especially good for Ann Taylor & Ann Taylor Loft, they have 40% off it seems like every other day.  So if you are really coveting something from there WAIT, it will be discounted the next day.

We all know that some pieces are classic–black slacks, a little black dress, a great pair of jeans, a nice purse, & killer shoes, but when shopping the trends (assuming you do) shop at Forever 21 or a less expensive place for these items (my SECOND tip).  Trends come & go & I’m not going to spend $200 for J Brand red jeans that will likely be “out” next season.  Instead I will get these at Forever 21 for $18.  Also, when buying gold jewelry at Forever 21 immediately polish the piece with clear nail polish (my THIRD tip) & it will last 10x longer (you’re welcome).  If you’ve never purchased a pair of shoes from this retailer I suggest it (my FOURTH tip), they are cute & comfortable (the ones I have are anyway).  A lot of times they will be imitations of Miu Miu or other designer brands.

Forever 21-$18

J Brand--$200 (you choose :))


Forever 21 boots--$28

Forever 21 cocktail ring--It would be tarnished already had I not polished it-$3

Have a plan (my FIFTH tip), read magazines, browse fashion blogs & retailer sites for inspiration.  If you like a look you see you can ALWAYS recreate the look for less.  And ladies, you are never too old or overweight for fashion.  I hear this all the time & I understand that we have all these pressures to be waifs, but come on– the people in the magazines are ALL photoshopped.  This is a false reality, the time to love yourself is now.  God gave you the body, mind & spirit you have–embrace it (SIXTH non shopping tip, but a tip, okay an order)!

Right now things do NOT have to match.  What I mean is this, you do NOT have to wear brown or black with leopard shoes.  Think of leopard as a neutral.  A few days ago I wore a purple vintage pleated skirt with a black tee & a leopard scarf (who cares that it was 98 degrees out–I was ready to wear my scarf). Too matchy matchy just really doesn’t look very creative.  Maybe you don’t want to be creative & if not then that’s ok–not with me, but this is about you.  The purple skirt & black tee would’ve just been too boring for me.  When you’re getting dressed (and shopping) try to think outside the box.  If you’re too scared to go for the full on trend just start with an accessory like a scarf or a purse to make your outfit POP.

the scarf makes this boring outfit non boring--scarf $12 (old navy)

Please, please, please take this last tip seriously.  Just because you LOVE a certain style top, pants or whatever does NOT mean you have to buy said item in every color (my SEVENTH tip).  Wouldn’t you rather spend your husband’s hard-earned money on something else?

As always send me an e-mail if I can answer any questions,


Remember Me?

4 Oct

Hi Everyone!

I hope this post finds you all doing really well.  This is my most favorite time of year & October is definitely the best month on the calendar, I think!  Here in Texas I’ve begun to layer, a little.  I showed my sister an outfit I wore to a concert this past weekend & she said “You didn’t die of a heat stroke?”  I didn’t, I was very comfortable.

Do you have something in your life that you love?  Like really love?  I’m not talking about a person.  I’m talking about a hobby.  Something like running, quilting, sewing or scrapbooking.  You are so fond of this something & you want to share it with others,  but you don’t know how to execute in a way that will inspire others?  I’m having this problem now.  I eat, sleep & breathe fashion.  It is a borderline obsession, okay fine, it is a full on obsession.  I could keep it all bottled up inside & just talk to myself about this stuff, but my desire is bigger than that.  I want to share it with all the women in the world.  I want you all to know that it doesn’t matter your size, income or age—you can be beautiful, fashionable & wonderful on a budget.  I could go to Goodwill & hoard all my good finds, but I would feel very selfish doing so.  I have talked to friends & family about this dilemma & they’ve all told me to just do what feels right.  They have encouraged me to post on this blog whether my pictures are perfect or not.  Let’s talk about this picture thing for a sec–I’m convinced a good blog is all about good pictures & since I don’t have a tripod to take my own pictures (of outfits) I’ve thought “forget it, these pictures stink & no one is going to understand what I’m trying to convey.”  I realize this is giving up & that isn’t usually my style.  If anyone has any ideas about how to self photograph please e-mail me at

My goal is to get over the it-has-to-be-perfect-or-nevermind mentality & to start posting regularly here.  I will do this for myself in the hopes that someone sees that the skirt from JCrew really is awesome, but the one from Goodwill is even better at a mere $7.  I would love to show you how to shop your own closet & remix outfits.  I shop for my sisters & then I put a Word document together for them that tells them what they should wear together, along with belt, shoe & jewelry options.  I’m always amazed when they come to me 2 weeks later & say “It’s time to go shopping again, I have worn all the outfits you suggested.”  I then have to remind them that those outfits can be “remixed” with other items in their closets.  A dress can be worn as a skirt or a shirt for an entirely different look.  I do realize that most people are visual so if you are scratching your head right now about the dress being a skirt concept I don’t blame you.  If I want to give you outfit ideas then I need to start posting my outfits & creating videos for you all to see.

Have a great night!


Looking Forward To…

7 Sep


Initials in snow--Beaver Creek, Colorado

Hey y’all!  I hope you are all well!  We really need some rain here in Texas–these fires are very scary.  I’m over this summer from hell. I’m ready to move onward & I’m sure you are, too.  I will be traveling to Seattle for my 36th birthday, maybe the rain will follow me here.

My husband & I have been fortunate enough to be able to travel a bit.  I love to try new places & things & when he asked me where I wanted to go for my birthday it was a no brainer.  Let’s head Northwest.  He is from Oregon & he took me there in 2009.  Love.  Oregon.  That part of the country is beautiful.  So Seattle it is.  We will be beer tasting, lunching by the water, enjoying lobster dinners & of course, shopping & thrifting is on the agenda!  Between us–I really chose Seattle because I can LAYER my clothing there.  The high will be 60 degrees.  I have a vision of leather shorts, booties & chunky sweaters.  SO EXCITED!  I don’t think we will be drawing in the snow while we’re there, but a girl can dream, right?

Dinner by the fireplace

Hot Toddy & Craft Beer

I don’t know about you guys, but on December 1, 2011 I will turn on my fireplace.  Even if it is 98 degrees it will be on.  I can’t wait to sit in front of it with a hot toddy, wearing my cuddly-but-not-so-sexy-pj’s, snuggled up to my boys (husband & dogs) all while noshing on a bowl of chili.  My husband & I will chat about how we want to move to a place with four seasons just like we do every year.  Then we will have sexy times.  I’m joking, not in front of the dogs.  We wouldn’t do that!

Dressed up as a witch for Halloween

Beaver Creek, Colorado

I LOVE October, Halloween & November, Thanksgiving.  I think I like to dress up more for Halloween as an adult than I did as a kid.  Troy & I sit outside with our bottle of wine & we pass out candy to all the kiddos & their super awkward parents.  They don’t say “hello” or “thank you”, but they expect their kids to.  Maybe it’s the wine?  God turned water into wine & it is OKAY to drink wine so that must not be it.  I mow my lawn so that can’t be it, who knows…maybe they just don’t have manners, but I digress.  I can’t wait to wear scarves & cuddle next to my honey bunny either!

What are you looking most forward to?  Are any of you following NYFW?  I’m paying attention to some of the tweets & I saw that sea foam green, bronze lips & violet eyeliner was the “it” make-up for The Fall.  Maybe it’s a joke?  Not sure, although SJP is on Letterman with a look that mimics that so we’ll see.

Have a great rest of your week!


Good Finds Friday

2 Sep

Hi Everyone!  I hope you’ve all had a great week.  I know we are all in a good mood today because today marks the start of a 3 day weekend!  I’m excited because my best friend is coming in town.  We always have a blast together.  My weekend will involve hanging by the pool, sipping on cocktails, eating good-but-bad-for-us-food & belly laughing until my stomach hurts.  What will you be doing?

I’ve deemed Fridays around here Good Finds Fridays, I will tell you what steals I found for & the week & you can do the same.  This week I just happened to be at Old Navy & I picked up some pieces for the fall.  Sidenote:  How ready are we for the fall here in Houston?  Can it get any hotter?  I think no.  Okay, back to clothes.  I don’t find myself shopping at Old Navy a whole lot.  Their quality is a little too hit & miss for me, but this week I did find some winners & they can all be found here.

Leopard scarf, $13

I have a feeling I will wear this leopard scarf a bunch.  I’m thinking skinny jeans, black top, white top, blue top…you get the picture.  Leopard is a neutral, it can be worn with everything.  I see myself wearing this as a belt, also.

Striped sweater, $11

I saw this sweater on Alicia, fashion blogger, over at Cheetah is the New Black & I knew I had to hunt it down.  She paired her’s with leather shorts & a polka dot shirt underneath.  I love her look!  I happened to find some leather shorts on a recent thrifting trip & so I may steal, I mean, re-create her look.  This sweater can be worn with a pair of boyfriend jeans & a blazer.  It can be dressed up or down & I can’t wait to wear it.  It may be about 6 months, but I’m patient (no I’m not really).

Color-blocked tee, $8

This little tee looks kinda, meh, BUT for me it was all about the cut.  It looks way better on than in this picture.  As you can see I’m all about versatile clothing & all the pieces I picked up this week are just that.  I have a navy striped skirt & I def think I’m going to pattern mix with this tee.  Watch out Katy, there will be a pattern mixer on the scene!

I also picked up a denim button down skirt for $8.  I haven’t worn a denim button down skirt since 5th grade, but it was $8!

Did you find anything at an amazing price this week?  Please tell us in the comments section below.

I want to wish you all a very safe & Happy Labor Day weekend.  I will leave you with this irresistible face.


Brody, my Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, a little over 5 years old. We picked him up exactly 5 years ago today & our lives have not been the same since. I love you, buddy!

For Sale

30 Aug

Whoa, 2 posts in one day, lookout y’all I’m getting serious here.  Most of you know I am a very thrifty kind of person.  I’ve been told I have a good eye for fashion & that may be true.  I just buy what I like in hopes to share it with some of you because Lord knows I can’t keep everything for myself.  As always if you are wanting to re-create a look for less I can do that, also.  Just send me a photo of the outfit & I will send you links or shop for you.  You can send me an e-mail to inquire about my fees for this type of service.  I can assure you I am worth the money.

First up for sale is a pair of red wool JCrew pants.  Size 4 & they are precious.  I see a very bright future for these pants.  I’m thinking holiday parties worn with a fitted sequin shirt & a little blazer on top, some fancy jewels!  Bam, you are ready to go.  These pants can also be dressed down with a jean shirt, some boots & a cable knit sweater on top.  These pants are going to have a lot of fun & I’m jealous.  These pants can accompany you to your holiday festivities for a mere $25.  Now that’s a cheap date.  If I had to guess I’d say the normal retail price on these babies was at least $100.

JCrew wool pants

Up second is a JCrew khaki colored Jacket.  Now with this little guy the possibilities are going to be endless.  This jacket can be worn with jeans & a tee, over a dress or worn to the office with some slacks.  It is a size 8.  Sale price $25.

JCrew jacket

Up next we have a floral dress from Old Navy (shown above & below).  It is new with tags. Size M.  Comes with a navy blue cross grain ribbon to be used as a belt.  This dress is a versatile piece, it can be worn to church or to the office with a blazer on top.  It can also be worn as a skirt, just tie a white oxford button down (or jean) on top & boom you have a skirt & a completely different look.  Price, $25

Old Navy floral dress

Here we go this is getting good.  Now we have a pair of pink, 100% silk, Ralph Lauren pants for sale.  They have never been worn & are a size 8.  I can see these pants being paired with a jean shirt & a pair of leopard shoes.  A cobalt blue slouchy shirt & nude pumps.  A chunky sweater.  Color is in for the fall, but these pants can take you into the Spring also.  They are very lightweight.  Price, $25.

Pink Ralph Lauren pants

Next up we have a COBALT blue, Evan Picone skirt.  It is 100% polyester & a size 8.  It has never been worn & is a stunner!  This skirt can be worn with a black top & leopard pumps & a black trench coat.  Or you could go crazy with color & pair it with a purple top & leopard heels!

Cobalt Blue skirt

Last, but certainly not least is an Ann Taylor Loft pleated skirt.  It is a size 8.  It has polka dots all over & stripes at the trim.  Wear this skirt with a black top, a slouchy cream top or even a colored top.  You could wear it with a jean shirt & wear it with boots, too.  Price, $20.

Loft, pleated skirt

I almost forgot–I didn’t take pictures, but I have a pair of gold Banana Republic wedges for sale (Size 8) and a black pair of Gap slacks (Size 10).  The black slacks have never been worn & the wedges have been worn twice at most.  Wedges, $30.  Slacks, $17.

I can accept payment many different ways.  If you are serious about a particular item please e-mail me at & I will give you all the details.  I will not be accepting returns on any of these items unless they are grossly misrepresented in any way.  Feel free to contact me if you would like more pictures & I would gladly do that for you.

Goodnight friends!


Glitter on my Feet

29 Aug

Hi!  I shared a link last week regarding these little fancy shoes featured on the Glitter Guide, check that link out here.  I swooned when I saw the Miu Miu version on Nordstrom’s website.  They are to die for!

Miu Miu Shoes, Image via Nordstrom

I have never tried a Do-it-Yourself project because I’m more impatient than a 5-year-old & just not very confident in my ability to DIY.  But, when I saw these beauties featured on the Glitter Guide I knew I would have to give the project a little whirl.  I mean there were only 5 things needed for this little project, how hard could it really be?  I dragged Troy (kicking & screaming) to my local Hobby Lobby & I picked up the following:

Sand Paper

Elmer’s Glue-All, Multipurpose Glue


Paint Brush

You will need shoes, also (you knew that, right?).  I had an old pair of Nine West pumps that I’d been holding onto for God knows why.  I think He really wanted me to have a pair of shiny, sparkly pumps!  I want you to have a pair, too.  If you don’t have an old pair sitting conveniently in your closet I would recommend checking Goodwill for a pair.  Here is what you need to do once all of your supplies are purchased:

Work in progress

Come home & pour yourself a nice glass of wine & prep your work area.  I (to my husband’s dismay) worked on the counter top in my kitchen.  I placed an old towel (it was clean) on my work surface.  I then sanded my old pumps so the glue/glitter mixture would adhere to the shoes properly.  Once that was done I mixed the glitter & the glue together, in an old plastic bowl, with my paintbrush.  The next step is to paint the shoes with the glitter/glue mixture.  Please note:  the shoes are going to be the color of the glue (white) & they aren’t going to look glittery.  This startled me because, after all, we are wanting our GLITTER pumps to be GLITTERY.  To make sure my pumps were extra sparkly I sprinkled (okay, I poured) glitter onto my shoes all over.  I ended up repeating the above two steps.  The last steps are EASY…finish your glass of wine & let the glitter dry.

Pretty Shoes

I must say I’m very happy with the end result.  I just hope we don’t all end up at the same New Year’s Eve Party.

Cannot wait to wear these with my skinny jeans

Have FUN!!


Things I’m Loving…

23 Aug

Hi Everyone-I hope everyone has had a great Monday!  I thought I’d share a few of my  favorites right now.

Estee Lauder Gift With Purchase

I used to work for Estee Lauder many moons ago & ever since I’ve been hooked on their foundation.  I’ve tried others & they just don’t compare, in my opinion.  I wear the Double Wear & it has excellent coverage without feeling cakey.  I always buy it (twice a year) when they are offering a free gift.  Diillard’s has their gift every Feburary & August.  Each retailer offers the gift with purchase twice a year so you can always find a department store offering it.  Go get yours now!

Red Wine (not necessarily the one in the picture, but it is good)

About two weeks ago all I was drinking was white wine, it was just too HOT for red.  Well, fast forward to about two days ago & I’m back to loving red wine & we all know it hasn’t gotten any cooler.  It is just a palate thing I suppose.  My husband & I haven’t made it out to Houston Restaurant Weeks this year (another thing I LOVE!), but we are hoping to this weekend.  Hopefully we will be able to sip on some red at Brennan’s!  I heard their menu is great this year.

Pretty, sheer, feminine blouse

I can’t get enough of these flowy blouses.  I have about 5 of them & I can’t say I won’t buy more.  I wore this one today with a black skirt & some strappy kitten heels.  I felt chic & I wasn’t too hot because of the weight of the shirt.  I bought this shirt at TJ Maxx & I paid too much for it (for the quality).  It was $25, but all of my others I’ve thrifted for $6.  Blouses like this can be found at thrift stores in all colors & sizes.  They can be dressed up or down.  PURE LOVE!

J CREW catalog, Fall 2011

Have I told you all about my love affair with J Crew?  I haven’t?  There is nothing in that store I wouldn’t wear.  When I die please bury me in J Crew from head to toe, honey.  Thankyouverymuch!  My sister, Leslie, bought the mustard colored skirt you see pictured here, to bad we don’t wear the same size.  I’m much smaller than her (LOL!!).  I don’t buy much from there because it is pretty spendy & as you all know I don’t buy unless something is deeply discounted. This weekend I went into one of my favorite stores where the salesperson knows me & she showed me a really adorable striped shirt, it was $55.  I told her she knew I didn’t buy anything unless it was on sale.  She then proceeded to remind me that it was tax free weekend & I said “really, OMG, I can save $4.54?”  Does that line work on most people?  Well, sorry, not me.  I will get it when it is $15.  DO NOT PAY FULL PRICE.  EVER.  The margins on clothes are INSANE!  I digress.

Slapet Bracelet

So earlier I talked about these bracelets on Facebook thinking I discovered something new.  Not so much.  Apparently these bracelets were around in the 80’s.  I know I look young (HA!), but I was alive in the 80’s & I have no recollection of them.  I usually have a better memory than this.  The target market for this nifty arm candy is probably age 13 & under.  I will be 36 in October. Don’t judge. Come to think of it, perhaps, I’m regressing.  I think when I was 12 I was behaving like a 36 year old & now…my poor husband!  No, in all seriousness, I remember Swatch watches, Keds, Kaepa tennis shoes (they were the shiz), Eastland shoes (swirly q’s and all) & rubber neon bracelets.  How did I miss these?  Not sure.  I also forgot how to use commas correctly & the use of apostrophe in terms of possession.  Does anyone want to tutor me?  FRO?


I saved the best for last.  I have 6 nieces & nephews & I love them all the same, but goodness, this boy just melts my heart right now.  I think it has a lot to do with my age.  The miracle of life is so incredibly amazing & I think the older I get the more profound that is to me.  Caleb is the happiest & sweetest little guy on Earth & if I knew I could have a baby just like him I would already have one.  I love everything about him.  The way he smells, the way he smiles at me & the way he tries to mock me at a mere 5 months old.  I was making a funny noise with my mouth (shocking, I know) today & he was intently looking at me & trying to do what I was doing.  Simply incredible.  Just don’t get me started on the rest of my nieces & nephews.  They are all so smart & beautiful, they make my heart smile.

Have a great Tuesday everyone!
